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1) How is a TCS education different from a public school education?

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Christian Environment

TCS students are provided a unique environment where they are free to express their faith and encouraged to grow in their walk with God.

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Teacher Evaluations

TCS teachers are evaluated by performance and merit unlike public school teachers evaluated by tenure.

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More Individualized Attention

TCS has a lower teacher-to-student ratio than typical public schools.

2) How is a TCS education different from other Christian schools?

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Due to sound financial management TCS can offer an affordable, value driven tuition typically much lower than other comparable Christian schools in the Capital region.

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TCS embraces the benefits of technology and its ability to prepare students to be successful in our ever changing society. Utilizing laptop technology, students are instructed and proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and are comfortable working in a cloud based environment. Teachers utilize tablet technology and integrate technology into the core curriculum where appropriate.

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TCS has a forward thinking five-year vision plan encompassing goals such as moving to e-curricula in tablet form, staff development, new testing and evaluation metrics, and continuous improvement.

3) How is a TCS education different from home schooling?

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Specialized Mentors

TCS retains interactive, degreed professionals, who are competent in their field of study. These staff members are available for questions, tutoring, and a host of mentorship opportunities designed to sharpen a student's deportment and confidence as they build the necessary social skills.

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Individualized Instruction

TCS has individualized instruction for students struggling in reading and writing by a teacher specialized in this area. This is available to home schoolers and TCS students.

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Opportunities for Sports and the Arts

TCS provides unique opportunities for league competition in sports, fine arts, and debate with other Christian schools.

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Unique Electives

TCS provides unique electives like a Leadership Class (with special speakers), Speech, and Creative Writing to sharpen a student’s ability to lead and communicate effectively in today’s competitive society.

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NEASC Accreditation

TCS graduates receive a diploma from a NEASC regionally accredited educational institution.

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