As part of its emphasis on discipleship, TCS employs a BIG-little program where older students influence the lives of their younger counterparts by serving them and spending time with them in a variety of settings. BIGS and littles typically enjoy lunch together once per month, and the school attempts to hold one other activity per month. Activities include devotional times, combined chapels and assemblies, and recesses/game times.
At Trinity, chapel is held once per week for elementary students and twice per week for secondary students, creating regular times for spiritual growth and Bible study. Led by local pastors, these gatherings include worship music, prayer, Bible readings, and age-appropriate messages. Chapel encourages students to practically apply the truths from God’s Word to situations they face in their lives.

TCS offers a variety of opportunities for elementary and secondary students to develop their arts skills. Elementary students participate in weekly choirs and music instruction classes, while secondary students can participate in choir, handbell choir, or art class. They also compete in Regional Fine Arts Competitions in Art, Music, Speech, and Bible teaching and preaching. Trinity students can perform in school programs and concerts, and we also have the Trinity Music Academy, which offers private music lessons. In keeping with our mission, Trinity desires to see its students develop their skills so that they can more effectively serve the Lord in their churches as they improve their abilities to communicate. Both elementary and secondary students are encouraged to participate in these activities.


"Athletics is an important facet of the educational experience at TCS. Scripture commands us to do everything to the best of our ability (Col. 3:23) for God's glory (1 Cor. 10:31) - this includes sports.
Sports Include:
High School Boys soccer and girls volleyball in the Fall
High School Boys and girls basketball in the Winter
Middle School students are able to join a local recreational organization for soccer during the fall.
Athletic competition provides a venue for students to grow spiritually. The rigors of sports naturally cause strengths to be highlighted and weaknesses to be exposed. These revelations occur not only in areas of athletic ability but also in areas of character and leadership. As this occurs, opportunities for instruction and improvement can be seized and young people can be encouraged to improve in areas of individual/team talent, positive habits, and Christ honoring attitudes and actions.
Every Coach is a teacher, and every Christian Coach must understand that he has an incredible opportunity to make disciples. We are blessed to have a coaching staff that seizes opportunities to teach spiritual and life lessons through athletics.
Sports and recreational activities also provide a platform for us to share our faith – they are natural relationship builders. Our sports program can quickly and effectively build bridges into our community and therefore, TCS seeks to provide outlets for our athletes to enter our community for the purpose of gospel advancement.
Athletics are not merely an addition to our program; they are designed to expand the Kingdom of God through both discipleship and outreach. So whether our athletes are on the field, in the gym, or simply in the arena of life, they are encouraged to “Play, with purpose” (1 Cor. 9:24-27a) – this is how God is glorified, lives are impacted, and the gospel is proclaimed through the athletic program at TCS."