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“Fostering a passion for spiritual growth and academic excellence.”


Welcome to your first look into Trinity Christian School. We trust that your viewing of this website aids you in understanding our school, its mission, and its operation. It has been well stated that to educate a mind without educating the heart is really not a true education. At TCS we seek to educate both the mind and the heart. Our goal is to help hearts understand our greatest opportunity is to use the lives God has given us to make His name great on this earth. This also requires we challenge the mind. TCS offers a challenging course of study aimed at engaging student’s minds. We are a regionally accredited, college preparatory institution designed to train students spiritually, academically, and socially for lifelong service to Christ.

It is our desire to partner with parents as they train their children after God’s Word and who seek to raise children that will capably engage our culture for Christ. While this website may give you a quick look into our school, we encourage you to call the school office to set up a visit.

Pastor Dr. Jonathan Threlfall

Dr. Jonathan Threlfall

Senior Pastor

Trinity Baptist Church

Director Mike Kingsley

Mike Kingsley
Director of

Educational Ministries

Academic Administrator Dean Setzler

Dean Setzler

Academic Administrator

Elementary Supervisor Joy Fry

Joy Fry

Elementary Administrator


Tori Camp

Student Life Administrator

  • Since 1984, Trinity Christian School has been an integral ministry of Trinity Baptist Church with the purpose of continuing the mission of our church: “to glorify God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ.” This objective compels TCS to train its students spiritually, academically, and socially for lifelong service to Christ.


    Trinity Christian School accomplishes this goal in three ways that parallel Christ’s development in Luke 2:52. First of all, the administration and staff consider themselves not as replacements but as partners with the parents in the spiritual formation process. The school also chooses disciple-oriented discipline techniques in an attempt to reach the heart of the students instead of simply changing an undesirable behavior. Bible doctrine and principles are faithfully presented, but all subject areas are also taught through the lens of a Biblical worldview so that our students can know how they should live and how they can rightly apply God’s Word to the culture and context in which they find themselves today.


    Secondly, Trinity develops its students by challenging them to increase in wisdom by means of a regionally accredited academic program that meets and exceeds the requirements of the state of New Hampshire.   TCS employs a combination of Christian textbooks from A Beka Books and BJU Press to support its spiritual emphases and to provide a traditional approach to its classroom instruction. Instructors utilize these books and their own experience, not just merely to promote rote memory, but more importantly to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The Lord has blessed TCS with a beautiful facility that includes large classrooms, most of which are outfitted with projection screens for presentations. A science laboratory provides students with hands-on opportunities to put into practice what they learned during lectures. Trinity Christian School is also able to offer dual enrollment courses.

    Lastly, TCS provides its students with opportunities for social development as students learn to use their abilities for the Lord in activities such as athletics, music, choir, hand-bells, and art classes.   Girls have the opportunity to compete in volleyball and basketball, while guys can engage in soccer and basketball. All middle school and high school students are able each year to compete in a regional fine arts competition, and high school students may also travel to the American Association of Christian Schools’ National Fine Arts Competition each April. Older students also mentor and disciple younger students in our BIG-little discipleship program. TCS students take Dramatic Speech and Public Speaking courses so that they learn to comfortably and accurately communicate their thoughts orally and in writing.


    Trinity Christian School hires faculty who embrace faith in Christ and look to nurture students in that faith while teaching our students from a distinctively Christian worldview. All aspects of education at TCS incorporate God’s power displayed in creation, man’s fallen nature as a result of his sin, Christ’s redemption of fallen man through His death on the cross, and God’s power displayed through the resurrection of His Son.


    Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 6 demonstrate to Christian families that their children are the initial point where the disciple-making process should commence. If you would like to consider partnering with TCS to help train your child(ren) in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Trinity Christian School and LEAP Preschool exterior sign


Trinity Christian School has enjoyed a heritage of Christian Education in the New England area for close to 40 years. With nearly 300 students enrolled from preschool to grade twelve, we offer a quality, college preparatory education amidst a rich spiritual environment. A caring staff focused on spiritual discipleship and a family atmosphere make education at TCS unique and of eternal value.


TCS is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). TCS received its regional accreditation in 2010 under the Commission for Independent Schools. NEASC evaluates the school in according to fifteen standards and their relation to the mission of the school.


TCS is a member school of the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS), Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), New Hampshire Christian School Association (NHCSA), and the Granite State Christian School Association (GSCSA).

Book on Table



TCS school board is responsible for ensuring the school’s financial health and consistency between its strategic direction and mission.

Mike Kingsley
Jon Richardson
Dean Setzler
Jay Wright
Kim Bult
Tori Camp
Claire Hall
Dan Hall
Christina Lamphere
Dominic Lucente
Charissa Rogers


The mission of the TCS School Board is to advance quality Christian education by providing leadership, direction, and support to the principal of the school. A school board composed of representative members and organizational members governs Trinity Christian School. The School Board will operate according to its by-laws, as determined by the Trinity Baptist Church Board of Deacons.


Representative members must be members of Trinity Baptist Church who are knowledgeable in professional education, ministry, or business and demonstrate a passion for Christian education.

Organizational members are ex officio members such as the school’s treasurer, supervisors, principals, and deacon and pastoral representatives. 


    TCS students are provided a unique environment where they are free to express their faith and encouraged to grow in their walk with God.


    TCS teachers are evaluated by performance and merit unlike public school teachers evaluated by tenure.


    TCS has a lower teacher-to-student ratio than typical public schools.


    Due to sound financial management TCS can offer an affordable, value-driven tuition typically much lower than other comparable Christian schools in the Capital region.


    TCS embraces the benefits of technology and its ability to prepare students to be successful in our ever-changing society. Utilizing laptop technology, students are instructed and proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and are comfortable working in a cloud based environment. Teachers utilize tablet technology and integrate technology into the core curriculum where appropriate.


    TCS has a forward-thinking five-year vision plan encompassing goals such as moving to e-curricula in tablet form, staff development, new testing and evaluation metrics, and continuous improvement.


    TCS retains interactive, degreed professionals, who are competent in their field of study. These staff members are available for questions, tutoring, and a host of mentorship opportunities designed to sharpen a student's deportment and confidence as they build the necessary social skills.


    TCS has individualized instruction for students struggling in reading and writing by a teacher specialized in this area. This is available to home schoolers and TCS students.


    TCS provides unique opportunities for league competition in sports, fine arts, and debate with other Christian schools.


    TCS provides unique electives like a Leadership Class (with special speakers), Speech, and Creative Writing to sharpen a student’s ability to lead and communicate effectively in today’s competitive society.


    TCS graduates receive a diploma from a NEASC regionally accredited educational institution.


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